As the summer season arrives, the temperatures of Air conditioners rise up to full speed. Many people would also agree with me, when it comes to AC and hot summer days, it does not work so well as anticipated. Where ever you go in the city, either get on the train or bus or even shopping malls and stores, the AC temperatures are turned up to high. While this can be a relief for many for sure, especially on the exceedingly hot summer days, it can also be extremely hazards as well. With some moments of relief there, at times, comes the health issues. I and probably many others have experienced having headaches, sniffles, sneezes and even a slight cold while commuting on a train or bus in the summer days, all due to high AC temperature.
The weather is hot outside and as you come into a full speed Air conditioned area your body temperature changes rapidly from hot to cool rather than gradually and slowly changing. Obviously, when one comes into a completely cool air conditioned area being all sweaty and hot it would cause imbalance of your normal body temperature which would lead you to have a slight summer cold.
Also, sometimes over cooling offices put people in dangerous situation especially those with medical condition. People with poor diet and any weakness can also quickly get sick. But air conditioning is a relief for many others. so please look after yourself, if you are among one of those cold sensitive people then try to find out why its the case with you by visiting your doctor first, if you are not diagnosed with any illness then be thankful and keep a sweater or shawl in office to avoid the sensation. Take short breaks to stay active or moving instead of sitting in one chair for long hours. If heat is not over kill then you may sit outside in shades during lunch time.
Now of course, we can’t stop commuting, working and shopping in the summer, that’s unthinkable. Therefore, we should be wise to always have a light sweater or jacket to wear as we come into a cooled area to keep our body temperature in balance and to not become sick. Also, pay close attention to your diet (always have small meat portion with vegetables) and stay hydrated. Also, stay in shade so keep an Umbrella handy or take a hat with you.
Happy Summer!

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