A pregnant woman should keep herself as well as her unborn child healthy. Only a healthy mother grows a healthy baby. The baby needs more carbohydrates, lipids and proteins to make it grow. The baby will intake much of the nutrients the mother eats; therefore, the mother should eat double the food, so her baby will have enough nutrients to grow and so that she herself will have enough nutrients to stay strong and be healthy. As you are pregnant yourself, you should take good care of yourself.
A pregnant woman should keep a mutinied diet of healthy food and exercise as well. A soon to be mother has to take care of herself first; if she takes good care of herself the baby inside of her is automatically cared for. If a mother does not take good care of herself, her health and the baby’s healthy will be at risk. Whatever the mother does, whatever she eats it will affect the development of the child.
In addition, I must add that a pregnant woman like you should prevent herself from taking tobacco, alcohol, thalidomide and other acne treatment or antibiotic medicine. I should tell you, thalidomide is an alternation tranquilizer that effects the growth of limbs (arms/legs) to develop normally. A child can be born without arms and legs if a mother uses thalidomide.
Anti-acne drugs can also effect the normal growth of a child. Anti acne drugs such as, retinoic acid can increase facial and cranial defects in the child. Other drugs can lead the child to develop poorly. Drugs such as, antibiotic streptomycin that if can cause hearing and nervous system problems in the child. Antibiotic tetracycline can cause the child to have yellowish teeth. Be sure to carefully check antibiotics before using.
Furthermore, alcohol and tobacco can cause severe problems to both the mother and child. The usage of alcohol during pregnancy can cause plenty of defects in a child such as, mental retardation, babies being born with small brain and head, facial problems, heart deficiency and poor motor coordination. The child becomes both a mental/physical patient due to the mother’s fault. In addition, cocaine can lead the child to being born abnormally small due to the development failure of the nervous system.
Tobacco is another issue; if the mother uses tobacco, vitamin C will increase in both her body and the child’s body as well. Smoking can lead to growth and development defects. The child and mother will have severely low weight and low nutrients as well. Smoking can lead to an unhealthy child, premature delivery, miscarriage and even stillbirth.
A pregnant woman should know how to maintain the healthiness of her body. A pregnant woman should know the risks of the take in/usage of unhealthy products. A mother is not only maintaining and looking after the health and wellness of herself but she is now looking after the health and wellness of her unborn baby. Think, act and behave responsibly.
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